Independent Research Fund Denmark

The Independent Research Fund Denmark (Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond, DFF) offers funding for researchers with strong CVs at different career stages.

It supports basic and applied research as long as the applications are based on the researchers' own ideas of high international quality.

About Independent Research Fund Denmark

DFF consists of a board and five scientific councils, which together cover the entire scientific research landscape:

  • The Research Council for Nature and the Universe (FNU)
  • Research Council for Technology and Production (FTP)
  • Research Council for Disease and Health (FSS)
  • Research Council for Culture and Communication (FKK)
  • Research Council for Society and Enterprise (FSE)

Grant opportunities

DFF offers a number of different instruments. Please note that it varies which instruments are offered by the individual councils (see the call for proposals).

DFF provides a 44% overhead contribution to Danish universities.

DFF Research Project 1 and 2

There are two types of research projects that primarily differ from each other in the size of the grant framework, of which Research Project 2 is the largest and Research Project 1 is the smallest.

DFF-International Postdoc

This programme is aimed at talented researchers at the beginning of their career and is offered by all 5 scientific councils. The scholarship is awarded to researchers who work as postdocs for at least one and a half of two years at one or more universities abroad. With this instrument, the council aims to promote excellence among young researchers by encouraging them to participate in international networks as part of their career development. The programme is distributed across the councils.

Sapere Aude: DFF Research Director

Sapere Aude is a career programme for particularly talented young researchers. The DFF Research Leader (Sapere Aude Starting Grant) aims to give talented young researchers the opportunity to develop their research ideas and build a team around them. It provides the opportunity to pursue innovative and ambitious goals. The programme is distributed across the councils.

Other instruments

All councils award PhD scholarships for research outside the universities, and some of the councils have their own smaller instruments: FSS offers Shared Positions and Scholar Scholarships, FKK offers the instruments Journals and Research Networks and FSE supports Research Stays Abroad.

Read more about Independent Research Fund Denmark's instruments on their website.


All instruments are announced in an annual call, typically published in the summer. Please note that there are staggered application deadlines depending on the council and instrument.