Hack the Culture 2024 *Postponed to fall 2024*

hack the culture

*Postponed to fall 2024*

English version below*


Brænder du for at løse praktiske udfordringer og gøre en meningsfuld forskel i samfundet? Hvis ja, så har vi en spændende mulighed til dig.

Du er inviteret til at deltage i en hands-on innovationsudfordring skræddersyet til studerende og ph.d.-studerende, der er interesseret i humaniora, kunst, sundhed og kultur. Kom med os til tre inspirerende dage med at udvikle innovative løsninger på problemer i den kulturelle industri. Vi skal udforske snitfladen mellem digital kultur og kunst og adressere den afgørende forbindelse mellem kultur og sundhed.

Men det er ikke alt! I løbet af arrangementet får du mulighed for at arbejde tæt sammen med erfarne mentorer, udvide dit netværk ved at forbinde med andre på din alder fra forskellige baggrunde og få indsigter, der kunne forme din akademiske og professionelle rejse.

Sæt kryds i kalenderen den 17. til 19. april 2024. Du skal ikke bekymre dig om at gå glip af dine normale kurser – vores plan er designet til at imødekomme dine akademiske forpligtelser. 

 Vi vil om kort tid offentliggøre vores samarbejdspartnere. Vi glæder os til at se dig på Søndre Campus. 

**Bemærk** Arrangementet vil blive afholdt på engelsk.

*English version*

*Postponed to fall 2024*

Are you passionate about solving practical challenges and making a meaningful difference in society? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you.

You are invited to participate in a hands-on innovation challenge tailored for students and PhDs interested in the humanities, art, health and culture. Join us for three inspiring days of developing innovative solutions for issues in the cultural industry. From exploring the intersection of digital culture and art to addressing the crucial link between culture and health, our challenge offers a dynamic platform for creative problem-solving.

But that's not all! Throughout the event, you'll have the opportunity to work closely with experienced mentors, expand your network by connecting with peers from diverse backgrounds, and gain insights that could shape your academic and professional journey.

Mark your calendars for April 17th to 19th, 2024, and don't worry about missing out on your regular courses—our schedule is designed to accommodate your academic commitments.

We will shortly announce the release of our industry partners. We can't wait to see you at Søndre Campus.

**Note** The event will be held in English.